Shaun Phillip Cantwell

Shaun Phillip Cantwells bio & filmography

Shaun Phillip Cantwells bio & filmography :: Subs4Free

Shaun Phillip Cantwell filmography rating is 6.4/10 on average

Shaun Phillip Cantwell

Ύψος: 177m

Βαθμολογία: 6.4/10


Shaun Phillip Cantwell - Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το Harmony (2018) ως Well Dressed Man, το Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012) ως Tourist & το Hawaii Five-0 (TV series) ως Crime Scene Unit. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν οι ηθοποιοί Joseph J.U. Taylor, Melissa Thompson, Nick Cornwall, Suzie Steen, Mirrah Foulkes, Darren Gallagher & Craig Walker.

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(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)

Παραγωγές ως ηθοποιός:

Harmony (2018) as Well Dressed Man

The System (2015) as David Howell

Truth (2015) as CBS Employee

CDF Ghostship (2015) as Engineer Gibbons

Deadly Women (2014) as Detective

Atomic Kingdom (2014) as Mr. Galactic / Drained Unit Leader

Ghostship Aftermath (2014) as Dr. David Riggs

Power Games: The Packer-Murdoch Story (2013) as USA Reporter 3 / News Limited Journalist

Punchsucker (2013) as Victim 2

Self Preservation (2013) as News Caster

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012) as Tourist

Hawaii Five-0 (TV series) as Crime Scene Unit