Ryan Colt Levy

Ryan Colt Levys bio & filmography

Ryan Colt Levys bio & filmography :: Subs4Free

Ryan Colt Levy filmography rating is 6.1/10 on average

Ryan Colt Levy

Ύψος: 178m

Βαθμολογία: 6.1/10


Ryan Colt Levy - Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse (TV series) ως Donny, το Make My Day (TV series) ως Robert Howard, το Romantic Killer (TV series) ως Makoto Oda, το My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission (2021) ως Rody Soul & το An Easy Girl (Une Fille Facile) (2019) ως Dodo's Friend. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν οι ηθοποιοί Bill Rogers, Joanna Bartling, Kellen Goff, Gilli Messer, Toshiyuki Morikawa & Griffin Burns.

- Hottest movies of Ryan Colt Levy

(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)

Παραγωγές ως ηθοποιός:

Make My Day (TV series) as Robert Howard

The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse (TV series) as Donny

Romantic Killer (TV series) as Makoto Oda

My Hero Academia: World Heroes' Mission (2021) as Rody Soul

Earth and Blood (2020) as Radiologist

All In (2020) as Jude

Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020) as Additional Voices

Bibi & Tina (2020) as Alexander von Falkenstein

An Easy Girl (Une Fille Facile) (2019) as Dodo's Friend

The Endless Trench (2019) as Enrique

The Hookup Plan (TV series) as Jules

The Trial (2019) as Marco

Welcome to Demon-School, Iruma-kun (2019) as Jazz

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2019) as Squalo

Drug Squad: Costa del Sol (2019) as Chino 12 Episodes

Let's Dance (2019) as Karim

MILF (2018) as Julien

The Mire (TV series) as Militiaman Marek Kulik