Mairead Armstrong

Mairead Armstrongs bio & filmography

Mairead Armstrongs bio & filmography :: Subs4Free

Mairead Armstrong filmography rating is 7/10 on average

Mairead Armstrong

Ύψος: 165m

Βαθμολογία: 7/10


Mairead Armstrong - Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το Hitler s Circle of Evil (TV series) ως Magda Goebbels 1 episode, 2018, το Annihilation (2018) ως Scientist & το Doctor Strange (2016) ως Consultant Boardroom Doctor. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες της υπήρξαν οι ηθοποιοί Bern Collaco, Emily Ng, Jorge Leon Martinez, Shina Shihoko Nagai, Jo Wheatley, Atul Sharma & Matt Jones.

- Hottest movies of Mairead Armstrong

(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)

Παραγωγές ως ηθοποιός:

Annihilation (2018) as Scientist

Hitler s Circle of Evil (TV series) as Magda Goebbels 1 episode, 2018

Hitler's Circle of Evil (2017) as Magda Goebbels

Doctor Strange (2016) as Consultant Boardroom Doctor

Now You See Me 2 (2016) as New Years Eve reveller

The Crown (TV series) as Scientist

Now You See Me 2 (2016) as New Years Eve reveller

The Crown (2016) as Fight Hound Groupie

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) as Charity Event Guest

Deadly Women (2013) as Librarian / Woman on path / Jane Andrews friend

Paper Giants: Magazine Wars (2013) as Princess Diana Recording

Farid in the West (2013) as Shopper

Behind Mansion Walls (2013) as Carol Garland

Behind Mansion Walls (2011) as Carol Garland