Gabe Fazio

Gabe Fazios bio & filmography

Gabe Fazios bio & filmography :: Subs4Free

Gabe Fazio filmography rating is 6.4/10 on average

Gabe Fazio

Βαθμολογία: 6.4/10


Gabe Fazio - Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το Maestro (2023) ως Willard the Assistant, το The Good Nurse (2022) ως Tom Anderson, το I Know This Much Is True (TV series) ως Shawn Tudesco, το Crypto (2019) ως Peter & το A Star Is Born (2018) ως Tommy. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν οι ηθοποιοί Lev Gorn, Ashlie Atkinson, Suzanne Didonna, Juan-Pablo Veiza, Kevin Kane, Annika Boras & William Hill.

- Hottest movies of Gabe Fazio

(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)

Παραγωγές ως σκηνοθέτης:

Ten: Thirty One (2008)

Joe Mover (2008)

Παραγωγές ως ηθοποιός:

Maestro (2023) as Willard the Assistant

The Good Nurse (2022) as Tom Anderson

I Know This Much Is True (TV series) as Shawn Tudesco

I Know This Much Is True (2020) as Shawn Tudesco

Crypto (2019) as Peter

Di Bibl (2019) as Lou

Giants Being Lonely (2019) as Coach

A Star Is Born (2018) as Tommy

The Program (2018) as Toby

Exit 0 (2018) as Billy Curtis

Trauma is a Time Machine (2018) as Toby

This Teacher (2018) as Dad

Where Is Kyra? (2017) as Mitch

Homeland (TV series) as Frank Kolacek

Crashing (TV series) as Boyfriend

Indiana (2017) as Michael

The Ningyo (2017) as Professor Baldwin

Where Is Kyra? (2017) as Mitch

First Samurai in New York (2017) as Fig McHanan

White Horse (2017) as Billy Curtis

The Lennon Report (2016) as Officer Wagner

To Keep the Light (2016) as Eaton

Expecto Patron (2016) as Dan

At the End of the Cul-de-sac (2016) as Fig McHanan

Expecto Patron (2016) as Billy Curtis

No Escape (2015) as Paulson

Endless (2015) as Paulson

High Phantom Playback (2015) as Mr. Sherridan

Of Knights and Slaves (2015) as Dad

Blue Bloods (TV series) as Jimmy Wallace

Blue Collar Boys (2013) as Red

A Song Still Inside (2013) as Wes Peterson

The Place Beyond the Pines (2012) as Scott

Into The Dust (2012) as Jim

Gun (2012) as Roy

For Spacious Sky (2012) as Kevin

Law & Order (2009) as Cameraman

Situation (2009) as Moe

Paper Covers Rock (2008) as Geoffrey

Ten: Thirty One (2008) as Jimmy

Joe Mover (2008) as Frank

Don't Make a Scene (2008) as Director

MAD? (2008) as Lou

Joseph Henry (2007) as James

Shooting Johnson Roebling (2007) as Charles Pavolski

Nuts (2007) as Mickey

The Path to 9/11 (2006) as J.P. O'Neill

Straight Forward (2005) as Lee Stagger