Ariel Levy

Ariel Levys bio & filmography

Ariel Levys bio & filmography :: Subs4Free

Ariel Levy filmography rating is 5.2/10 on average

Ariel Levy

Ημ. γέννησης: 28/09/1984

Τόπος γέννησης: Santiago, Chile

Ύψος: 170m

Βαθμολογία: 5.2/10


Ariel Levy, 40 ετών, γεννήθηκε στις 28/09/1984 στο Santiago, Chile. Έχει συμμετάσχει ως ηθοποιός σε παραγωγές όπως το No Estoy Loca (2018), το Ya Veremos (2018) ως Dr. Ernesto, το Sin Filtro (No Filter) (2016) ως Bastian, το The Stranger (2014) ως Caleb & το The Green Inferno (2013) ως Alejandro. Γνωστοί συνεργάτες του υπήρξαν ο σκηνοθέτης Nicolas Lopez και οι ηθοποιοί Matias Lopez & Eyal Meyer.

- Hottest movies of Ariel Levy (see complete list)

(Στοίχιση με βάση τη βαθμολογία & την ημερομηνία προβολής)

Παραγωγές ως ηθοποιός:

Ya Veremos (2018) as Dr. Ernesto

No Estoy Loca (2018) as

Sin Filtro (No Filter) (2016) as Bastian

Mexiwood (2016) as Sonja

American Huaso (2016) as Joel

Exorcistas (2015) as Ariel

Downhill (2015) as Luca

Lake Mead (2015) as Luca

Fuerzas Especiales 2: Se Buscan (2015) as Comisario Carboni

The Stranger (2014) as Caleb

Teatro en CHV (2014) as Nico / Brandon

Santiago Violenta (2014) as Novio

An Odd Evening in April (2014) as Bruno

Fuerzas Especiales (2014) as Comisario Carboni

Blood Sugar Baby (2014) as Billy

The Green Inferno (2013) as Alejandro

La Sexologa (2013) as Adamo Curilen

Best Worst Friends (2013) as Roberto Rodriguez

Se Venden (2013) as Ivan

Aftershock (2012) as Ariel

Que pena tu familia (2012) as Javier Fernandez

Soltera otra vez (2012) as Exequiel Echeverria

Amar y morir en Chile (2012) as Joaquin

Extraviados (2012) as Andres

Que pena tu boda (2011) as Javier Fernandez

Infiltradas (2011) as Cristobal Espejo

Marcelo, La Mafia y La Estafa (2011) as Marcelo Gambardella

El Crack (2011) as Freddy 'Fantasia' Monquiel

12 dias (2011) as Juan

Que pena tu vida (2010) as Javier Fernandez

La colonia (2010) as Javier 'El Carnicero' Mondaca

Myths and Legends: The New Alliance (2010) as Julian

Si el amor se va (2010) as Luis

Pinochet boys (2010) as Luis

La vaca atada (2009) as Benjamin

Sin anestesia (2009) as Matias Errazuriz

Santos (2008) as Fotografo / Extrana Obesidad del Ser

Mala conducta (2008) as Pablo 'Carpa' Parra

Casado con hijos (2007) as Vicente

Vivir con 10 (2007) as Gaspar Sole

Super Nino Bully (2007) as Benito

JPT: Justicia para todos (2006) as Dead Young

Porky te amo (2006) as Clemente Goycolea

Se arrienda (2005) as David

Es cool (2005) as Matias Jarpa

Mitu (2005) as Gustavo Canales 'Nino Rayo'

Promedio rojo (2004) as Roberto Rodriguez